Welcome to Capstone's Amazing
Marketing Toolchest
All of the following marketing tools are free for the taking.
Capstone's Marketing Tip of the Month
If you don't have time to read a lot, but you want good advice on marketing, this e-zine is short and to the point. A new piece of marketing advice every month. To find out more, visit the Marketing Tip page.
Local Business Masters Course
Learn how to become a Webmaster that produces RESULTS for local small businesses. Build the SBI! buzz... in your own neighborhood!
Local Business Masters Course
WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course
Keep putting your family first. Be a Work-at-Home Mom (WAHM) and successfully build a real business on the Net.
WAHM-IT Masters Course
Netwriting Masters Course
Want to sell more? Write better. Write smarter. First, write to PREsell. Then write to SELL. The only course on the Net that shows you how to do both. And it's free!
Netwriting Masters Course
Affiliate Masters Course
Become a high-earning affiliate champion.
Review the 5P Marketing Guide for highly effective promotion strategies.
Affiliate Masters Course
Service Sellers Masters Course
Attract new clients from around the world...
Or from around the block.
This intensive 5-DAY e-mail course shows you how to attract targeted visitors from around the world or from around the block, and how to convert them into new clients for your services, each with a high lifetime value.
Service Sellers Masters Course
Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters Course
Start and grow a profitable Net auction business. (MYNAS! --> Now Free!)
Make Your Net Auction Sell
Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course
Show Webmasters how to run the BUSINESS of Webmastering... Super-assisted, of course, by the ultimate productivity tool.
Webmaster Business Masters Course
Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course
"How much money are you leaving on the table?" Price with complete confidence & double your Net profits.
Make Your Price Sell
Free Trial Version of
Make Your Site Sell
Free Download

You are about to download a zipped file. Save it to your desktop.
After you have downloaded, all you need to do is double-click on the downloaded file. In the window that pops up, click upon the "Unzip" button (not the "Run WinZip"button). This will unzip the the free trial, right onto your desktop (if you do not change the default location).
NOTE 1: Mac owners -- you will need free software such as Stuffit Expander (V5.5 or greater) to decompress these Windows-formatted ".exe" files.
NOTE 2: You need Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 (or greater) to read these files. It's FREE and it's awesome. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, first download the Manual (above). Then download Adobe Acrobat by clicking here.
Click here to download (as explained above). (This is a 1.5 Meg download) The downloaded file is automatically labelled "tryMYSS!2002.exe". Unzipping it will put a folder called "tryMYSS!2002" onto your desktop. In that folder, please read the ReadMeFirst.txt first.